Mathematical Civil Engineering Graduation Process
The curriculum includes two courses in which a mathematical engineering project will be developed, where students in the program will demonstrate that they have acquired the competencies and knowledge outlined in the graduation profile and the program curriculum. This project will be supervised by faculty members from the University of Valparaíso and may be co-supervised by external experts, subject to review by the program's leadership.
The first course is titled "Engineering Project," which is focused on identifying a problem or study topic, formulating a project to address the chosen issue or topic, with special attention given to setting clear and achievable objectives for the following course. The second course is titled "Thesis Workshop," where the project formulated in the previous course must be developed, resulting in a written document, which we will refer to as the "Thesis," which will then be defended before a panel of faculty members and experts to obtain the degree of "Mathematical Civil Engineer".
To begin the graduation process, no later than the start of the corresponding semester, the student must inform the program leadership of the faculty member(s) with whom they will develop the process.
It is of utmost importance that the established deadlines for the graduation process are met.
Engineering Project
General Considerations
The Engineering Project course includes two progress presentations and the submission of the final document, "Thesis Project".
- Regarding the first progress presentation:
- It should include the objectives (general and specific), working hypothesis, literature review, methodology to be used, and work plan (Gantt chart presentation)
- This will be a public presentation, evaluated by a panel composed of three faculty members and/or experts appointed by the leadership of the Mathematical Civil Engineering program
- Presentation date: one month after the start of the semester
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Regarding the second progress presentation:
- It will include the previous points along with the progress made during the semester
- This will be a public presentation, evaluated by a panel composed of three faculty members and/or experts appointed by the leadership of the Mathematical Civil Engineering program.
- Presentation date: one month before the end of the semester
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Regarding the "Thesis Project" document
- Submission date: two weeks before the end of the semester
- The document must have a maximum of 15 pages
- The format of the document must follow the model proposed by the program, which is available for download
- The evaluation of the two progress presentations will be based on the rubric available for download. The grade for each presentation will be obtained as the average of the grades given by the faculty members and/or experts of the panel. The student will receive a first grade, N1, for the first presentation and a second grade, N2, for the second presentation
- The faculty member(s) with whom the student registers the course will evaluate the student's performance throughout the semester and the "Thesis Project" document with a grade, N3
The final grade for the course will be:
Final Grade = 0.2*N1 + 0.3*N2 + 0.5*N3
Thesis Workshop
General Considerations
The Thesis Workshop course includes a progress presentation, submission of the final document "Thesis," and the public defense of this document.
- Regarding the progress presentation:
- It should present the progress made during the current semester in relation to what was outlined in the "Engineering Project." In particular, the percentage of progress relative to the planning
- This will be a public presentation, evaluated by a panel composed of three faculty members and/or experts appointed by the leadership of the Mathematical Civil Engineering program
- Presentation date: two months after the start of the semester
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Regarding the "Thesis" document:
- Submission date: two weeks before the end of the semester
- The format of the document must follow the model proposed by the program, which is available for download
- This document will be reviewed by at least one faculty member assigned by the program leadership, based on the recommendation of the supervising faculty, within a period of no more than 15 business days
- Regarding the defense of the "Thesis":
- This will be a public presentation, evaluated by a panel of at least three members, consisting of the supervising and reviewing faculty
- Presentation date: 10 business days after receiving the report from the reviewing faculty
- Duration: 45 minutes
- The grade for the Written Thesis will correspond to the simple average between the evaluation of the Supervising Faculty and the reviewer(s)
- The grade for the Oral Defense will correspond to the average of the grades assigned by the members of the examining panel
- The final grade for the Thesis Workshop course will correspond to the average of the grade for the Written Thesis and the grade for the Oral Defense