Subchromatic numbers of powers of graphs with excluded minorsPedro P. Cortés, Pankaj Kumar, Benjamin Moore, Patrice Ossona de Mendez y Daniel A. Quiroz. Discrete Mathematics
Persistence and neutrality in interacting replicator dynamicsLeonardo Videla, Mauricio Tejo, Cristóbal Quiñinao, Pablo A. Marquet y Rolando Rebolledo. Journal of Mathematical Biology
A hypothesis test for the domain of attraction of a random variableHéctor Olivero y Denis Talay. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
A joint analysis proposal of nonlinear longitudinal and time-to-event right-, interval-censored data for modeling pregnancy miscarriageRolando de la Cruz, Marc Lavielle, Cristian Meza y Vicente Núñez-Antón. Computers in Biology and Medicine
On the Structure of a Smallest Counterexample and a New Class Verifying the 2-Decomposition ConjectureF. Botler, A. Jiménez, M. Sambinelli y Y. Wakabayashi. Graphs and Combinatorics
Biclique immersions in graphs with independence number 2F. Botler, A. Jiménez, C.N. Lintzmayer, A. Pastine,D. A. Quiroz y M. Sambinelli. European Journal of Combinatorics
The treewidth and pathwidth of graph unionsBogdan Alecu, Vadim Lozin, Daniel A. Quiroz, Roman Rabinovich, Igor Razgon, Viktor Zamaraev. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Totally odd immersions in line graphsChirstopher Thraves Caro, Andrea Jiménez y Daniel Quiroz. Discrete Mathematics
Transverse Lyapunov Exponent and Chimeras in Globally Coupled MapsThéophile Caby y Pierre Guiraud. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
Characterizing and recognizing exact-distance squares of graphsYandong Bai, Pedro P. Cortés, Reza Naserasr y Daniel A. Quiroz. Discrete Mathematics
Classification in semiparametric nonlinear mixed models using P-Splines and the SAEM algorithmMaritza Márquez, Cristian Meza, Dae-Jin Lee y Rolando de la Cruz. Statistics in Medicine
An updated estimation approach for SEIR models with stochastic perturbations: Application to COVID-19 data in BogotáSoledad Torres, Andrés Ríos-Gutiérrez y Viswanathan Arunachalam. PLOS ONE
Forward integration of bounded variation coefficients with respect to Holder continuous processesSoledad Torres, Johanna Garzón y Jorge León. Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability
Minimax properties of Dirichlet kernel density estimatorsBertin, K., Genest, C., Klutchnikoff N. y Ouimet F.. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 195
Meteorological, PM2.5 and PM10 factors on SARS-COV-2 transmission: The case of southern regions in ChileSoledad Torres, Valeria Scapini y Rolando Rubilar-Torrealba. Environmental Pollution
On the Consistency of the Least Squares Estimator in Models Sampled At Random Times Driven By Long Memory Noise: The Jittered CaseHéctor Araya, Natalia Bahamonde, Lisandro Fermín, Tania Roa y Soledad Torres. Statistica Sinica
New insights from GWAS on BMI-related growth traits in a longitudinal cohort of admixed children with Native American and European ancestryLucas Vicuna, Esteban Barrientos, Tomas Norambuena, Danilo Alvares, Juan Cristobal Gana, Valeria Leiva-Yamaguchi, Cristian Meza, Jose L. Santos, Veronica Mericq, Ana Pereira y Susana Eyheramendy. iSicence, 26(2), 106091
Representation of solutions to sticky stochastic differential equationsSoledad Torres, Johanna Garzón y Jorge León. Stochastics and Dynamics
Whole-brain modeling explains the context-dependent effects of cholinergic neuromodulationCarlos Coronel-Oliveros, Carsten Gießing, Vicente Medel, Rodrigo Cofré y Patricio Orio. NeuroImage
Evolving Systems of Stochastic Differential EquationsLeonardo Videla y Rolando Rebolledo. In: J. Theor. Probab.
A proof of consistency of the MLE for nonlinear Markov-switching AR processesLisandro Fermín, José Marcano y Luis-Angel Rodríguez. Statistics & Probability Letters
Clique immersions and independence numberSebastián Bustamante, Daniel Quiroz, Maya Stein y José Zamora. European Journal of Combinatorics, 106, 103550
COVID-19 : A Comparative Study of Contagions Peaks in Cities from Europe and the AmericasBertin, K., Garzón, J., San Martin, J. y Torres, S.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Super-resolution wavefront reconstructionSylvain Oberti, Carlos Correia, Thierry Fusco, Benoit Neichel y Pierre Guiraud. Astronomy & Astrophysics
Dynamical models to evaluate structure–function relationships in network neuroscienceAndrea Luppi, Joana Cabral, Rodrigo Cofre, Alain Destexhe, Gustavo Deco y Morten Kringelbach. Nat Rev Neurosci 23, 767–768
A Bayesian Change Point Analysis of the USD/CLP Series in Chile from 2018 to 2020: Understanding the Impact of Social Protests and the COVID-19 PandemicRolando de la Cruz, Cristian Meza, Nicolás Narria y Claudio Fuentes. Mathematics, 10(18), 3380
High-order functional redundancy in ageing explained via alterations in the connectome in a whole-brain modelMarilyn Gatica, Fernando Rosas, Pedro Mediano, Ibai Die, Stephan Swinnen, Patricio Orio, Rodrigo Cofré y Jesus Cortes. PLOS Computational Biology
Long memory estimation in a non-Gaussian bivariate processLedys Llasmin Salazar Gomez, Soledad Torres, Jozef Kise?ák, Felix Fuders, Naoyuki Ishimura, Yasukazu Yoshizawa y Milan Stehlík. Applied Mathematics and Computation
Reliability Estimation for Stress-Strength Model Based on Unit-Half-Normal DistributionRolando de la Cruz, Hugo Salinas y Cristian Meza. Symmetry, 14(4), 837
Disconnected Julia set of Halley's Method for Exponential MapsCumsille P., González–Marín J., Honorato G. y Lugo D.. Dynamical Systems: an international journal
How far are we from predicting multi-drug interactions during treatment for COVID-19 infection?Benjamin Lozano, Javier Santibáñez, Nicolás Severino, Cristina Saldias, Magdalena Vera, Jaime Retamal, Soledad Torres y Nelson P Barrera. British Journal of Pharmacology
Strong stochastic persistence of some Levy-driven Lotka-Volterra systemsLeonardo Videla. Journal of Mathematical Biology
Cholinergic neuromodulation of inhibitory interneurons facilitates functional integration in whole-brain modelsCoronel C., Cofre R. y Orio P.. PLoS Comput Biol 17(2): e1008737, 2021
Towards an interdisciplinary framework about intelligencePalanca N., Sanchez-Tajadura B. y Cofre R.. Heliyon
Clique immersions in graphs of independence number two with certain forbidden subgraphsDaniel Quiroz, Discrete Mathematics
Universal arraysPavez-Signé M., Quiroz D. y Sanhueza-Matamala N.. Discrete Mathematics
Least-square estimators in linear regression models under negatively superadditive dependent random observationsBertin K., Torres S. y Viitasaari L.. Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Volume 55, p 1018-1034
Studies on the basic reproduction number in stochastic epidemic models with random perturbationsRíos-Gutiérrez Andrés, Soledad Torres y Arunachalam Viswanathan. Advances in Difference Equations
A CLT for a Class of Stochastic Integrals with Application in StatisticsSoledad Torres, ALEA-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS
Vector-valued generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: Properties and parameter estimationSoledad Torres, Marko Voutilainen, Lauri Vitasaari, Pauliina Ilmonen y Ciprian Tudor. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS
On local linearization method for stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motionSoledad Torres, Héctor Araya y Jorge León. Stochastic Analysis and Applications
A spectral decomposition of the attractor of piecewise-contracting maps of the intervalPierre Guiraud, Eleonora Castigeras y Alfredo Calderon. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Numerical Scheme for Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion with 1 / 4 H 1 / 2Soledad Torres, Héctor Araya y Jorge León. Journal of Theoretical Probability
Polynomial degeneracy for the first m energy levels of the antiferromagnetic Ising modelAndrea Jiménez. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D: Combinatorics, Physics and their Interactions
Adaptive regression with Brownian path covariateK. Bertin y N. Klutchnikoff. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques
Coexistence, dispersal and spatial structure in metacommunities: a stochastic model approachMauricio Tejo, Cristóbal Quiñinao, Rolando Rebolledo y Pablo A Marquet. Theoretical Ecology
Scalable and accurate method for neuronal ensemble detection in spiking neural networksRubén Herzog, Arturo Morales, Soraya Mora, Joaquín Araya, María-José Escobar, Adrian G Palacios y Rodrigo Cofré. Plos one
Hyperharmonic analysis for the study of high-order information-theoretic signalsAnibal Medina-Mardones, Fernando Rosas, Sebastián Rodríguez y Rodrigo Cofré. Journal of Physics: Complexity
High-Order Interdependencies in the Aging BrainM. Gatica, R. Cofré, PAM. Mediano, F. Rosas, P. Orio, I. Diez, SP. Swinnen y J. Cortes. Brain Connectivity
Structural features of the human connectome that facilitate the switching of brain dynamics via noradrenergic neuromodulationCarlos Coronel-Oliveros, Samy Castro, Rodrigo Cofré y Patricio Orio. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
The 2-Decomposition Conjecture for a new class of graphsF. Botler, A. Jiménez, M. Sambinelli y Y. Wakabayashi. Statistics & Probability Letters
Limit distribution of the least square estimator with observations sampled at random times driven by standard Brownian motionSoledad Torres, Tania Roa y Ciprian Tudor. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods
Bayesian inference for fractional Oscillating Brownian motionHéctor Araya, Meryem Slaoui y Soledad Torres. Computational Statistics
Parameter estimation for a discrete time model driven by fractional Poisson processSoledad Torres, Hector Araya, Natalia Bahamonde y Tania Roa. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS
Vector-valued generalized Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes: Properties and parameter estimationM. Voutilainen, L. Viitasaari, P. Ilmonen, S. Torres y C. Tudor. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Oscillating Gaussian processesPauliina Ilmonen, Soledad Torres y Lauri Viitasaari. Journal Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
A spectral decomposition of the attractor of piecewise-contracting maps of the intervalA. Calderon, E. Catsigeras y P. Guiraud. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
On the ARCH model with stationary liquidityMarko Voutilainen, Pauliina Ilmonen,Soledad Torres,Ciprian Tudor, y Lauri Viitasaari. Metrika
Whole-Brain Models to Explore Altered States of Consciousness from the Bottom UpRodrigo Cofré, Rubén Herzog, Pedro A.M. Mediano, Juan Piccinini, Fernando E. Rosas, Yonatan Sanz Perl y Enzo Tagliazucchi. Brain Sciences
A mechanistic model of the neural entropy increase elicited by psychedelic drugsRubén Herzog, Pedro Mediano, Fernando Rosas, Robin Carhart-Harris, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Enzo Tagliazucchi y Rodrigo Cofre. Scientific Reports
Thermodynamic Formalism in Neuronal Dynamics and Spike Train StatisticsRodrigo Cofré, Cesar Maldonado y Bruno Cessac. Entropy
Model-checking on ordered structuresKord Eickmeyer, Jan van den Heuvel, Ken- ichi Kawarabayas hi, Stephan Kreutzer, Patrice Ossona de Mendez, Micha Pilipczuk, Daniel Quiroz, Roman Rabinovich y Sebastian Siebertz. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
Colouring exact distance graphs of chordal graphsDaniel Quiroz. Discrete Mathematics
On local linearization method for stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motionS. Torres, H. Araya y J.A. León. Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Bayesian inference for fractional Oscillating Brownian motionH. Araya, M. Slaoui y S. Torres. Computational Statistics
Asymptotic expansion for the quadratic variations of the solution to the heat equation with additive white noiseH. Araya y C. Tudor. Stochastics and Dynamics
Non symmetric Rosenblatt process over a compactH. Araya, J. Garzón y T. Roa. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
An expansion for the number of partitions of an integerStella Brassesco y Arnaud Meyroneinc. Ramanujan Journal
On the expected maximum of a birth-and-death processLeonardo Videla. Statistics and Probability; Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
A Bayesian approach for the segmentation of series with a functional effectM. Baragatti, K. Bertin, E. Lebarbier y C. Meza, Statistical Modelling
Adaptive density estimation on bounded domainsK. Bertin, S. El Kolei y N. Klutchnikoff, Annales de l’institut Henri Poincaré: Probabilités et Statistiques
On the dynamics of n-Circle InversionR. Hidalgo, G. Honorato y F. Valenzuela-Henriquez, Nonlinearity
On the Growth Rate Inequality for Periodic Points in the Two SphereG. Honorato, J. Iglesias, A. Portela, A. Rovella, F. Valenzuela y J. Xavier, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
Gallai's path decomposition conjecture for triangle-free planar graphsF. Botler, A. Jiménez y M. Sambinelli, Discrete Mathematics
Synchronization of stochastic mean field networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with noisy channelsMireille Bossy, Joaquín Fontbona y Héctor Olivero, Journal of Mathematical Biology
Donsker type theorem for fractional Poisson ProcessHéctor Araya, Natalia Bahamonde, Soledad Torres y Frederi Viens, Statistics & Probability Letters
An Open System Approach to Complex Biological NetworksRolando Rebolledo, SA Navarrete, S Kéfi, S Rojas y PA Marquet, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Contiguity of States and Super Wave OperatorsRolando Rebolledo, Open Systems & Information Dynamics
AutoRegressive Planet Search : MethodologyG. Caceres, E. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, N. Bahamonde, A. Christen, K. Bertin, C. Meza y M. Curé, Astronomical Journal
AutoRegressive Planet Search : Application to the Kepler MissionG. Caceres, E. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, N. Bahamonde, A. Christen, K. Bertin, C. Meza y M. Curé, Astronomical Journal
An Introduction to the Non-Equilibrium Steady States of Maximum Entropy Spike TrainsRodrigo Cofré, Leonardo Videla y Fernando Rosas, Entropy
Deciding Whether a Grid is a Topological Subgraph of a Planar Graph is NP-CompleteA. Jiménez y T. J. Schmidt, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
A Comparison of the Maximum Entropy Principle Across Biological Spatial ScalesRodrigo Cofré, Ruben Herzog, Derek Corcoran y Fernando Rosas, Entropy
Maximun number of triangule-free edge colourings with five and six coloursF. Botler, J. Corsten, A. Dankovics, N. Frankl, H. Han, A. Jimenez y J. Skokan, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae
Stability of synchronization under stochastic perturbations in leaky integrate and fire neural networks of finite sizeP. Guiraud y E. Tanré, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B
Two consistent estimators for the skew Brownian motionSoledad Torres, ESAIM - Probability and Statistics
Improved bound on the maximum number of clique-free colorings with two and three colorsH. Hàn y A. Jiménez, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
A Semigroup Approach to Fractional Poisson ProcessesC. Lizama y R. Rebolledo, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Information Entropy Production of Maximum Entropy Markov Chains from Spike TrainsR. Cofré y C. Maldonado, Entropy
Extreme value theory for synchronization of coupled map latticesD. Faranda, H. Ghoudi, P. Guiraud y S. Vaienti, Nonlinearity
Large Deviations Properties of Maximum Entropy Markov Chains from Spike TrainsR. Cofré, C. Maldonado y F. Rosas, Entropy
Maximum number of sum-free colorings in finite Abelian GroupsH. Hàn y A. Jiménez, Israel Journal of Mathematics
Dynamics and limiting behavior of Julia sets of König's method for multiple rootsG. Honorato, Topology and its Applications
Error–Rate Estimation in Discriminant Analysis of Non–Linear Longitudinal Data: A Comparison of Resampling MethodsC. Meza, C. Fuentes, R. De la Cruz y V. Núñez-Antón, Statistical Methods in Medical Research
Behavior of the Hermite sheet with respect to the Hurst indexHector Araya y Ciprian Tudor, Stochastic Processes and Aplications
Pointwise adaptive estimation of the marginal density of a weakly dependent processK. Bertin y N. Klutchnikoff, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
Predicting pregnancy outcomes using longitudinal information: a penalized splines mixed-effects model approachR. de la Cruz, C. Fuentes, C. Meza, D.-J. Lee y A. Arribas-Gil, Statistics in Medicine
A Robbins Monro algorithm for non- parametric estimation of NAR process with Markov-Switching: consistencyL. Fermín, R. Ríos y L.A. Rodríguez, Journal of Time Series Analysis
Omega-slow Solutions and Be Star DisksI. Araya, C. E. Jones, M. Curé, J. Silaj, L. Cidale, A. Granada y A. Jiménez, The Astrophysical Journal
Fractional stochastic differential equation with discontinuous diffusionJ. Garzón, J. León y S. Torres, Stochastic Analysis and Applications
ARCH model and fractional Brownian motionN. Bahamondes, C. Tupor y S. Torres, Statistics and Probability Letters
Stochastic heat equation with fractional Laplacian and fractional noise: existence of the solution and analysis of its densityJ. Liu y C. Tudor, Acta Mathematica Scientia
On path-cycle decompositions of triangle-free graphsA. Jiménez y Y. Wakabayashi, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
On the proportional abundance of species: Integrating population genetics and community ecologyP. Marquet, G. Espinoza, S. Abades, A. Ganz y R. Rebolledo, Nature-Scientific Report
Spatial variation for the solution to the stochastic linear wave equation driven by additive space-time white noiseM. Khalil, C. A. Tudor y M. Zili, Stochastics and Dynamics
Parameter Tuning for Local-Search-Based Matheuristic MethodsG. Cabrera-Guerrero, C. Lagos, F. Johnson, F. Paredes y E. Cabrera, Complexity
Semi-parametric segmentation of multiple series using a DP-Lasso strategyKarine Bertin, Xavier Collilieux Emilie Lebarbier y Cristian Meza, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Adaptive pointwise estimation of conditional density functionK. Bertin, C. Lacour y V. Rivoirard, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré – Probabilités et Statistiques
Uniform Propagation of Chaos for Kac’s 1D Particle SystemR. Cortez, Journal of Statistical Physics
Variability and singularity arising from poor compliance in a pharmacokinetic model II: the multi-oral caseL. Fermín y J. Lévy-Véhel, Journal of Mathematical Biology
Modelos de Markov OcultosL. Fermín, R. Ríos y L. Rodríguez, XXIX Escuela Venezolana de Matemáticas, EMALCA–VENEZUELA
Extreme value theory for piecewise contracting maps with randomly applied stochastic perturbationsD. Faranda, J-M. Freitas, P. Guiraud y S. Vaienti, Stochastics and Dynamics
Statistical properties of random dynamical systems with contracting directionD. Faranda, J-M Freitas, P. Guiraud y S. Vaienti, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Mapa de Retorno de Redes de Neuronas de Tipo Integración y Disparo. Propiedades de Contracción y Ciclos Límites, “Neurodinámica Determinista”P. Guiraud, Barboni, L. y Catsigeras E., edición de la Universidad de la República, Montevideo
On the asymptotic properties of piecewise contracting mapsE. Catsigeras, P. Guiraud, A. Meyroneinc y E. Ugalde, Dynamical Systems
A variational approach to some transport inequalitiesN. Gozlan, J. Fontbona y J.-F. Jabir, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré
Cubic Bridgeless Graphs and BracesA. Jiménez, M. Kang y M. Loebl, Graphs and Combinatorics
On path decompositions of 2k-regular graphsF. Botler y A. Jiménez, Discrete Mathematics
Bayesian regression analysis of data with random effects covariates from nonlinear longitudinal measurementsR. de la Cruz, C. Meza, A. Arribas-Gil y R. Carroll, Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Error-rate estimation in discriminant analysis of non-linear longitudinal data: A comparison of resampling methodsR. de la Cruz, C. Fuentes, C. Meza y V. Núñez-Antón, Statistical Methods in Medical Research
The Multifractal Random Walk as Pathwise Stochastic Integral: Construction and SimulationS. Torres y C. Tudor, Journal of Theoretical Probability
The Molecular Chaperone Hsc70 Interacts with Tyrosine Hydroxylase to Regulate Enzyme Activity and Synaptic Vesicle LocalizationL. Parra, T. Baust, A. Smith, J. Jaumotte, M. Zigmond, S. Torres, R. Leak, J. Pino y G. Torres, Journal of Biological Chemistry
A Simulation-Based Study on Bayesian Estimators for the Skew Brownian MotionM. Barahona, L. Rifo, M. Sepúlveda y S. Torres, Entropy
Improving prediction performance of stellar parameters using functional modelsS. Robbiano, M. Saumard y M. Curé, Journal of Applied Statistics
A Matheuristic Approach Combining Local Search and Mathematical ProgrammingC. Lagos, F. Paredes, S. Niklander, E. Cabrera, F. Johnson y J. Vega, Scientific Programming in Computational Intelligence
Solving a Distribution Network Design Problem by means of Evolutionary AlgorithmsG. Cabrera, S. Niklander, E. Cabrera y F. Johnson, Studies in Informatics and Control
Comparing Two Heuristic Local Search Algorithms for a Complex Routing ProblemP. Cabrera-Guerrero, A. Molteldo-Perfetti, E. Cabrera y F. Paredes, Studies in Informatics and Control
SPDE with generalized drift and fractional-type noiseC. Tudor y M. Zili, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA
The transport equation and zero quadratic variation processesJ. Clarke, C. Olivera y C. Tudor, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Sries B
Dynamical aspects of some convex acceleration methods as purely iterative algorithm for Newton’s mapsG. Honorato y S. Plaza, Applied Mathematics and Computation
Lagrangian stochastic models with specular boundary conditionM. Bossy y J.-F. Jabir, Journal of Functional Analysis
Classification of longitudinal data through a semiparametric mixed-effects model based on lasso-type estimatorsA. Arribas-Gil, R. De la Cruz, E. Lebarbier y C. Meza, Biometrics
Modeling neural activity with cumulative damage distributionsV. Leiva, M. Tejo, P. Guiraud, O. Schmachtenberg, P. Orio y F. Marmolejo-Ramos, Biological Cybernetics
Sampling local properties of attractors via Extreme Value TheoryJ-M. Freitas, D. Faranda, P. Guiraud y S. Vaienti, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Bayesian Inference on the Memory Parameter for Gamma-Modulated Regression ModelsP. Andrade, L. Rifo, S. Torres y F. Torres-Avilés, Entropy
Ant Colony System for a Problem in Reverse LogisticF. Johnson, J. Vega , G. Cabrera y E. Cabrera, Studies in Informatics and Control
The TreeRank Tournament algorithm for multipartite rankingS. Clémencon y S. Robbiano, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
Solving a Distribution Network Design Problem by Combining Ant Colony Systems and Lagrangian RelaxationC. Lagos, F. Paredes, S. Niklander y E. Cabrera, Studies in Informatics and Control
Classification of longitudinal data through a semiparametric mixed-effects model based on Lasso-type estimatorsC. Meza, R. De la Cruz, E. Lebarbier y A. Arribas-Gil, Biometrics
Lasso-type estimators for Semiparametric Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models EstimationAna Arribas-Gil, Karine Bertin, Cristian Meza y Vincent Rivoirard, Statistics and Computing
Assessing direct paths of intracortical causal information flow of oscillatory activity with the isolated effective coherence (iCoh)Pascual-Marqui, R. Biscay, R. Bosch-Bayard, J. Lehmann, D. Kochi1, K. Kinoshita, T. Yamad y Sadato, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Adaptive estimation of a density function using beta kernelsK. Bertin y N. Klutchnikoff, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
Estimation of covariance functions by a fully data-driven model selection procedure and its application to Kriging spatial interpolation of real rainfall dataR. J. Biscay, D. G. Camejo, J. M. Loubes y L. Muñiz Alvarez, Statistical Methods and Applications
Anomaly ranking as supervised bipartite rankingClémençon, Stephan, Robbiano y Sylvain, 31st International Conference on Machine Learning
Quadratic variations for the fractional-colored stochastic heat equationFrederi Viens, Soledad Torres y Ciprian A. Tudor, Electronic Journal of Probability
Log-concavity and strong log-concavity: a reviewAdrian Saumard y Jon A. Wellner, Statistics Surveys
Isolated effective coherence (iCoh) based on estimated electric neuronal activity using exact low resolution brain electromagnetic tomographyRoberto D. Pascual-Marquia, Rolando Biscay, Jorge Bosch-Bayardc, Dietrich Lehmanna, Kieko Kochia, Naoto Yamadae, Toshinoko Kinoshitad y Norihiro Sadatoa, Clinical Neurophysiology
Comparing Evolutionary Strategies on a Biobjetive Cultural AlgorithmC. Lagos, B. Crawford, E. Cabrera, R. Soto, J-M. Rubio y F. Paredes, The Scientific World Journal
Combining Tabu Search and Genetic algorithms to Solve the Capacited Multicommodity Network Flow ProblemC. Lagos, B. Crawford, E. Cabrera, R. Soto, J-M. Rubio y F. Paredes, Studies in Informatics and Control Journal (SIC)
Non-degenerated ground states and low-degenerated excited states in the antiferromagnetic Ising model on triangulationsA. Jiménez, Communications in Mathematical Physics
Computational hardness of enumerating groundstates of the antiferromagnetic Ising model in triangulationsA. Jiménez y M. Kiwi, Discrete Applied Mathematics
Antiferromagnetic Ising model in triangulations with applications to counting perfect matchingsA. Jiménez y M. Kiwi, Discrete Applied Mathematics
A maximum linear separation criterion for the analysis of neurophysiological dataJ. L. Marroquin, O. Mendoza-Montoya, R. J. Biscay, S. Ruiz-Correa, T. Harmony y T. Fernandez, Journal of Neuroscience Methods
On the Julia set of König’s root-finding algorithmsG. Honorato, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Local existence of analytical solutions to an incompressible Lagrangian stochastic model in a periodic domainM. Bossy , J. Fontbona , P. Jabin y J-F Jabir, Communications in Partial Differential Equations
Generalized Birnbaum-Saunders kernel density estimators and an analysis of financial dataC. Marchant, K. Bertin, V. Leiva y H. Saulo, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
Comparative Estimation for Discrete Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process Stochastic ModelsL. Rifo, S. Torres y C. Tudor, Stochastic Models
Is a Brownian motion Skew?A. Lejay, E. Mordecki y S. Torres, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Nonparametric Regression with Non-Gaussian Lon MemoryM. Sued, S. Torres y C. Tudor, Communications on Stochastic Analysis
Stochastic predator-prey model with Allee effect on preyP. Aguirre, E. González-Olivares y S. Torres, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
Local Linearization-Runge-Kutta methods: A class of A-stable explicit integrators for dynamical systemsH. de la Cruz, R.J. Biscay, J.C. Jimenez y F. Carbonell, Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Estimation of covariance functions by a fully data driven model selection procedure and its applications to Kriging spatial interpolation of real rainfall dataDG Camejo, L. MUñiz Alvarez, RJ BIscay, S. Ruiz-Correa, T. Harmony y T. Fernández, Statistical Methods and Applications
Solving a Novel Inventory Location Model with Stochastic Contraints and (R,s,S) Inventory Control PolicyG. Cabrera, P. A. Miranda, E. Cabrera, R. Soto, B. Crawford, J-M. Rubio y F. Paredes, Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Integrate and fire neural networks, piecewise contractive maps and limit cyclesE. Catsigeras y P. Guiraud, Journal of Mathematical Biology
A progressive correction to the circular hydraulic jump scalingN. Rojas, M. Argentina y E. Tirapegui, Physics of Fluids
Stochastic predator–prey model with Allee effect on preyP. Aguirre, E. González y S. Torres, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
A Hybrid Approach Using an Artificial Bee Algorithm with Mixed Integer Programming Applied to a Large-Scale Capacitated Facility Location ProblemG. Cabrera, E. Cabrera, R. Soto, L. Rubio, B. Crawford y F. Paredes, Semantic Schoolar
Robust statistical modeling using the Birnbaum- Saunders-t distribution applied to insuranceP. Gilberto, V. Leiva, M. Barros y S. Liu, Applied Stochastic Models in business and Industry
Adaptive covariance estimation with model selectionR. Biscay, H. Lescornel y J-M. Loubes, Mathematical Methods of Statistics
Local Linearization-Runge Kutta Methods: an approach to construct L-stable explicit schemes for ODEsH. de la Cruz, R.J. Biscay, J.C. Jimenez y F. Carbonell, Mathematical and Computer Modeling
A strong convergence to the Rosenblatt processj. Garzón, S. Torres y C. Tudor, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
A non Bayesian predictive approach for statistical calibrationN. Hernández, R.J. Biscay y I. Talavera, Jpurnal of Statical Computation and Simulation
Estimation in nonlinear mixed effects models using heavy-tailed distributionsC. Meza, F. Osorio y R. de la Cruz, Statistics and Computing
The fern sporangium: a unique catapultX. Noblin1, N.O. Rojas, J. Westbrook, C. Llorens, M. Argentina y J. Dumais, Science
Effect of ultraviolet B radiation on the production of polyphenols in the marine microalga Chlorella spJ. Copia, H. Gaete, G. Zúñiga, M. Hidalgo y E. Cabrera, Latin American Jpurnal of Aquatic Research
Erratum to: Morphology-Based Hypothesis Testing in Discrete Random Fields: a non-parametric method to address the multiple-comparison problem in neuroimagingJ.L. Marroquin, R.J Bascay, S. Ruiz-Correa, A. Alba, R. Ramirez y J.L. Armony, Neuroimage
A non Bayesian predictive approach for functional calibrationN. Hernández, R.J. Bascay, N. Villa-Vialaneix y I. Talavera, Statística Sinica
Adaptive Dantzig density estimationK. Bertin, E. Le Pennec y V. Rivoirard, Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Drift parameter estimation in fractional diffusions driven by perturbed random walksK. Bertin, S. Torres y C. Tudor, Statistics & probability letters
Minimax properties of beta kernel estimatorsK. Bertin y N. Klutchnikoff, Journal of statistical planning and inference
Maximum likelihood estimators and random walks in long-memory modelsK. Bertin, S. Torres y C. Tudor, Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics
A simulation study of Functional Density-Based Inverse Regression (DBIR)N. Hernández, R.J. Biscay, N. Villa-Vialaneix y I. Talavera, Investigación Operacional
On confined McKean Langevin processes satisfying the mean no-permeability boundary conditionM. Bossy y J-F. Jabir, Stochastic Processes and their Applications
On Conditional McKean Lagrangian stochastic modelsM. Bossy, J.M. Jabie y D. Talay, Probability Theory and Related Fields
Group Lasso estimation of high-dimensional covariance matricesJ. Bigot, R.J. Biscay, J. M. Loubes y L. Muñoz-Alvarez, Journal of Machine Learning Research
Option Pricing for Gamma-modulated processesP. Iglesias, J. San Martin, S. Torres y F. Viens, Annals of Finance
Numerical Method for Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential EquationsM. Martínez, J. San Martín y S. Torres, Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Faraday patterns in lubricated thin filmsN. O. Rojas, M. Argentina, E. Cerda y E. Tirapegui, The European Physical Journal D
Assessing interactions in the brain with exact low resolution electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA)D Pascual-Marqui, Roberto and Lehmann, D and Koukkou, Martha and Kochi, Kieko and Anderer, Peter and Saletu, Bernd and Tanaka, Hideaki and Hirata, Koichi and Roy John, E and Prichep, Leslie and Lirio, Rolando Jose y Kinoshita, Toshihiko, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Dynamics of a higher-order family of iterative methodsG. Honorato, S. Plaza y N. Romero, Journal of Complexity
One some mixture models based on Birnbaum-Saunders distributions and associated inferenceN. Balakrishnan, R.C. Gupta, D. Kundu, V. Leiva y A. Sanhueza, Jpurnal os Statical Planning and Inference
On the Fernández–Steel distribution: Inference and applicationN.O. Castillo, H. W. Gómez, V. Leiva y A. Sanhueza, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Estimation of extreme percentiles in Birnbaum–Saunders distributionsF. Vilca, L. Santana, V. Leiva y N. Balakrishnan, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Influence analysis in skew-Birnbaum–Saunders regression models and applicationsL. Santana, F. Vilca y V. Leiva, Journal of Applied Statistics
Influence diagnostics on the coefficient of variation of elliptically contoured distributionsM. Riqueleme, V. Leiva, M. Galea y A. Sanhueza, Journal of Applied Statistics
On the Student-t mixture inverse Gaussian model with an application to protein productionA. Sanhueza, V. Leiva y L. Lopez-Kleine, Colombian Statistics Magazine
Stochastic Lagrangian method for downscaling problems in computational fluid dynamicsF. Bernardin, M. Bossy, C. Chauvin y J-F. Jabir, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Nonparametric estimation of covariance functions by model selectionJ. Bigot, R. Biscay, J. M. Loubes y L. Muñoz-Alvarez, Electronic Journal os Statistics
Spatio-temporal correlations from fMRI time series based on the NN-ARx modelJ. Bosch, J. Riera, R. Biscay, K. F. K. Wong, A. Galka, O. Yamashita, N. Sadato, R. Kawasima, E. Aubert, R. Rodriguez, P. Valdés, F. Miwakeichi y T. Ozaki, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
QR-based methods for computing Lyapunov Exponents of Stochastic Differential quationsF.M. Carbonell, R.J. Biscay y J.C. Jimenez, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
High Order Local Linearization methods: an approach for constructing A-stable high order explicit schemes for stochastic differential equations with additive noiseH. De la Cruz, R.J. Biscay, F. Carbonell y T. Ozaki, BIT Numerial Mathematics
A Functional Density-Based Nonparametric Approach for Statistical CalibrationN. Hernández, R.J. Biscay, N. Villa-Vialanei y I. Talavera, Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
Exact estimation procedures in a spatial mixed–effects probit model with binary outcomes 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings ProceedingsR. De La Cruz, C. Meza, S. Eyheramendy y F. Osorio, Conference: Joint Statistical Meetings, Statistical Computing Section, American Statistical Association
Numerical methods for BSDEJ. San Martín y S. Torres, Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance
Inertial Lubrication TheoryN. O. Rojas, M. Argentina, E. Cerda y E. Tirapegui, Physical Review Letters
Support Vector Regression for Functional Data in Multivariate Calibration Problems Analytica Chimica ActaN. Hernández, I. Talavera, R.J. Biscay. D. Porro y Marcia M.C. Ferreira, Analytica Chimica Acta
Estimation in the probit normal model for binary outcomes using the SAEM algorithmC. Meza, F. Jaffrézic y J-F. Foulley, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Biomechanics of fern spores discharge: the sporangium openingX. Noblin, N.O. Rojas, J. Westbrook, M. Argentina y J. Dumais, Proceedings of the 6th Plant Biomechanics Conference – Cayenne
Full Bayesian Analysis for a Class of Jump-Diffusion ModelsL. Riffo y S. Torres, Communications in Statistics
Nonlinear Faraday Waves at Low Reynolds NumbersN.O. Rojas, M. Argentina, E.A. Cerda y E. Tirapegui, Journal of Molecular Liquids
Ondes non linéaires dans l’expérience de FaradayN.O. Rojas, M. Argentina, E.A. Cerda y E. Tirapegui, Rojas, N., Argentina, M., Cerda, E., & Tirapegui, E. (2009). Ondes non linéaires dans l’expérience de Faraday. Résumés des exposés de la 12e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire
Estimators for the long-memory parameter in LARCH models, and fractional Brownian motionS. Torres, F. Viens y M. Levine, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
Donsker Type Theorem for the Rosenblatt Process and a Binary Market ModelS. Torres y C. Tudor, Stochastic Analysis and Applications
A Non-central version of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution: characterization and reliability analysisP. Guiraud, V. Leiva y R. Fierro, IEEE Transactions on Reliability
A robust procedure in nonlinear models for repeated measurementsA. Sanhueza, P. Sen y V. Leiva, Journal Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
A new goodness-of-fit test for censored data with an application in monitoring processesC. Castro-Kurris, D. Kelmansky, V. Leiva y E. Martínez, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and computation
Asymptotic normality of the Nadaraya–Watson estimator for nonstationary functional data and applications to telecommunicationsL. Aspirot, K. Bertin y G. Perera, Journal of non parametric statistics
Maxiset in sup-norm for kernel estimatorsK. Bertin y V. Rivoirard, TEST
The sharpe model under t-distributionsM. Galea, D. Cadematori y F. Vilca, Journal of Applied Statistics
Estimation and testing in elliptical functional modelsM Galea y P. Giménez, Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods
A Stochastic scheme of approximation for Ordinary Diferential EquationsR. Fierro y S. Torres, Electronic Communications and Probability
Spatial ARMA models and its applications to image analysisO. Bustos, S. Ojeda y R. Vallejos, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
Selection of variables and dimension reduction in high-dimensional non-parametric regressionK. Bertin y G. Lecue, Electronic Journal of Statistics
Symbolic dynamics of two coupled Lorenz maps: From uncoupled regime to synchronisationP. Guiraud, R. Coutinho y B. Fernández, Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena
Robust RA and GM estimators for spatial AR modelsR. Vallejos, S. Ojeda y O. Bustos, CIMFAV Technical Report
Assessing the association between two spatial or temporal sequenceR. Vallejos, Journal of Applied Statistics
Donsker type theorem for the Rosenblatt process and binary market modelS. Torres y C. Tudor, Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Similary coefficients for spatial and temporal seriesL.A. Rukhin y R. Vallejos, CIMFAV Technical Report
Full bayesian analysis for a class of jump-diffusion modelsL. Riffo y S. Torres, Journal Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
Robust estimation and influence diagnostics for several measuring devicesF. Osorio, G.A. Paula y M. Galea, CIMFAV Technical Report
Estimation in the probit normal model for binary outcomes using the SAEM algorithmC. Meza, F. Jaffrézic y J-L. Foulley, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
An R package for robust and classical versions of the inverse Gaussian distributionV. Leiva, H. Hugo y A. Sanhueza, Journal of statistical software
Symbolic dynamics of two coupled Lorenz maps: From uncoupled regime to synchronisationR. Coutinho, B. Fernandez y P. Guiraud, Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena